1. Connect heart-to-heart with people
- Remember… people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!
2. Pique their interest
- “What do you know about Stem Cells?”
- “Are you in any pain?”
- “I’ve recently learned of an Historic Breakthrough in Affordable Stem Cell Technology”
- “Are you open to a supplementary income opportunity?”
- Share relevant X39 Success Stories
3. Point to tools
4. Follow-up and take appropriate action after they watch the video
- “What interested you most?”
- “Do you have any questions for me?”
- If they’re ready to Enroll… do it now!
- If they need more information:
- Maybe offer an X39 sample
- Do a 3-Way Call
- Send additional videos, websites and information
5. Enroll them as a Customer or Brand Partner right away!