Enroll Brand Partners

1. Steps for Enrolling a Distributor

❏ Ask This Question?

Are you open to sharing the patches with others and earning money?” (or words to that effect)

  • If they reply, “Yes” ~ Enroll them as a Distributor.  Distributors have a position on the binary tree. Customers do not. Distributors can earn money. Customers can earn free products… but not money.
  • If they reply, “NoI want to try them for myself first.” ~ Enroll them as a Customer

❏ Select Your Placement Settings

Ask your Sponsor for guidance. Placement settings refer to your Right Leg & Left Leg. 

  • From your Back Office > click on your name (top right-hand corner) > Change Settings  > Placement Settings.
  • Enroll your first Distributor on your Shared leg, your second & third Distributors on your Personal leg, and your fourth Distributor on your Shared leg.

For more details, see 4 Key Points (located under Getting Started on the navigation bar)

❏ 'Enrollment Options' for Distributors

Email them the Enrollment Options document

  • Scroll down this page for the Enrollment Options document
  • Go over the options together

Be sure to let them know that the Enrollment Kits can be customized.

❏ How to Enroll Distributors

Send them your personal website: LifeWaveX39.com/USERNAME

  • They click JOIN 
  • If they want to do the enrolling themselves, then it’s best to be on the phone with them as they’re enrolling in order to answer any questions that might arise.

OR better yet…

  • You do the actual enrolling for them. Simply collect their info & enroll ASAP
  • From your personal LifeWave website, you click JOIN 

❏ Email the 'X39 Health Tracker' ASAP

  • Email the Tracker to your new Distributor ASAP. 
  • The easiest way is to email it from your LifeWave InTouch app 

❏ Send a 'Welcome Letter' ASAP

2. Distributor Enrollment Kits

NOTE: You can mix & match between X39 and the ‘other’ patches.                       

Benefits Of Starting With The Diamond X39 Kit

  • Best way for you and your family to start enjoying X39’s amazing anti-aging health benefits
  • Best Prices: Contains over $2,000 wholesale and $2,900 retail value … plus marketing materials
    Better able to start helping people locally and globally “Live Younger Longer”
  • Lays a foundation for building a life-changing income.
  • Lead by example…. many new distributors will tend to start the way you did
  • Personal Volume (PV) qualifies you and also pays you at the Senior Director Level for 14 weeks
  • Maximizes the fast-start Product Introduction Bonus (PIB)
  • Earn $500 PIB on each Diamond Kit you sell. Sell three… and yours is Free!
  • Earn $100-300 PIB differential on every Diamond Kit sold in your downline that is not under another Diamond or qualified Sr. Director
  • Comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee

Four Reasons To Always Have Extra Patches On Hand

1. Products to USE for you, family and friends
2. Products to SELL locally to Retail Customers, and Wholesale to Distributors
3. Products to LOAN to new Customers & Distributors while waiting for their order to arrive
4. Products to SAMPLE … give the X39 Gift of Good Health

3. Success Tips

4. Objections = Questions in Disguise