

Our LiveYounger Success System and is the result of 100’s of years of the collective experience and wisdom of many of the industry’s top earners and professionals.

It is based on our simple 4-Step PROVEN PLAN OF ACTION (PPA).

Primary components of the LiveYounger Success System:

    • Weekly Newsletter
    • 5 Regular Weekly Webinars and Conference Calls
    • Private LiveYounger FB Group(s)
    • Getting Started Guide new Distributor Orientation and Training
    • Important training and support documents
    • Custom LifeWave X39 PowerPoint
    • Mentoring and Leadership Training
    • LiveYounger YouTube Channel
    • Podcasts
    • LiveYounger Training Website (under construction)

1 – PREPARE… The First Step in Success           

To get off to a good start, take a little time to briefly read and work through the Prepare section of our Getting Started Guide. This is the first step on your journey toward success with LifeWave.

2 – SHARE… The Products & Business

Everywhere you go there are people who need and want our products … and people who need and want our business. Once you have had your own X39 experience and seen and heard the amazing results so many people are having, you’ll find talking about X39 and helping people feel, look and live younger will start to come quite naturally.

3 – CARE… The Fortune & Friendship are in the Follow-Up

People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care. You show people you truly care by doing diligent and timely follow-up and by providing enough information for them to make an informed decision that is right for them.

4 – ENROLL… New Customers and Distributors

If you Share & Care enough, people will start asking to purchase your products and join your team… and that’s when the fun really begins! Helping people get started on the right path is an important role and responsibility. Our job is to give people enough information to make an informed decision about the best way for them to get started. Valuable training & support are readily available from the company, your upline support team, and our LiveYounger community.

You are now in business for yourself but not by yourself.

We encourage you and those who join your team to plug-in to our simple, duplicatable LiveYounger Success System and success can truly be yours.


On this page you will find…

  1. Quick-Start Checklist
  2. How to download the InTouch app
  3. Daily Method of Operation (DMO) + Success Tips
  4. New Distributor Orientation (webinar)
  5. The Getting Started Guidebook


Now, let’s get started!

Two-Apps + Text Reminders

LifeWave Intouch App


How to Download the InTouch app


  1. Find LifeWave InTouch in your iOS or Android App store (see image above)
  2. View any training content 
  3. You’ll know exactly what to do the minute you start using  LifeWave InTouch. It really is remarkably simple to use!



For Step-by-Step Instruction






  • English, German, French, Italian, Danish, Spanish and Polish.

NG Basics App


The app is for NittyGrittyBasics Thank you, Liz Hodges!

You can download our new NittyGrittyBasics Mobile app from the QR Code above, or click on the link below. 


For Installation Instructions

NOTE: It is NOT available in the Apple or Android App Store..

LY Text Reminders

text icon

The ‘Text Reminder’ system will automatically send you a reminder 60-minutes before each of our LiveYounger weekly zoom webinars.

 You have two options:

  1. Receive reminders for ALL
  2.  Receive reminders for Only Evening Webinars

How to Subscribe

  • Text LiveYounger to 406-225-6088 to subscribe for text reminders for upcoming Webinars. This also works for Canada & Mexico.

You will immediately receive a registration notice giving you the option to choose either: 

  • ‘All notices’…OR… ‘PM webinars only’

Daily Method Of Operation

Daily Method of Operation (DMO)


  • If you follow our DAILY METHOD OF OPERATION (DMO), you will discover that this method will constantly lead to new Customers and Distributors. 



  • Some feel it fast… some feel it slowbut we know that X39 always and immediately begins to work at the cellular level for everyone from the very first day!
  • A sample gift of X39™ is a powerful and proven way to open a meaningful discussion about LifeWave and the X39™ patch. If done properly, it will constantly lead to new customers and distributors.
  • Giving a sample gift of an X39™  can change someone’s life, and it can change your business too!


Listen to Ron Rabun describe how he built to Senior Presidential by offering people an X39 sample patch:

Gifting Support Document

New Distributor Orientation

1.  Download & print the Getting Started Guidebook 


  • Have your Guidebook open in front of you as you watch the New Distributor Orientation & Training



2.  Watch the New Distributor Orientation & Training webinar ⬅


  • Gregory Mascari provides an excellent overview of the Getting Started Guidebook 



3.  Schedule a Personal Planning Session with your Sponsor or someone in your Upline

Getting Started Guide Book

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