
X39 Reviews: Let’s Hear What People Have to Say

On your LifeWave website home page, scroll down and then click the X39 Reviews image (sample below).  There you will find many wonderful X39 stories, many with before and after photos.

Healed within 5 days

My son had a bad snowboard accident where he hit a rock with his face. Fortunately, he had only a bruise under the eye and the nose, but deep scrapes all over his face and he had an appointment on Monday for a new job!! So, he applied X39™ on his body for 3 days and just have a look at how quickly and perfectly his skin healed There isn’t even a trace of a scar on his cheek after 5 days. ~ Christine G.

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Dog Stories

Conference Call replay with Robin Blanc Mascari & Dr. Shauna Young.

 📞 Animal Stories: Reference #132

 📞 The Starsky Story: About a dog called Starsky who was saved by the LifeWave X39™. Reference #109

  1. To listen to replays dial: (605) 313-4103
  2. When prompted enter: 236425#
  3. Then enter the reference number 

Horses Stories …. Introducing AcuLife

Take a look at the actual before and after pictures below and notice how the reduction of “hot spots” is clearly evident. This local thermal effect means that excess heat is reduced to an injured area and what follows is reduced pain, reduced soreness, and restoration of range of motion to the specific injured site.




To read some wonderful horse testimonials and learn more about the AcuLife patch, click here: https://aculifenow.com/testimonials

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